Our Team

Louise Bromfield

Behind every successful organisation sits an even more successful organiser of the finances. In Inspire Change’s case, that organiser is Louise, our Financial Controller.

Louise joined us in 2012, bringing her extensive financial expertise and insight, from which we have benefitted ever since. She is an essential member of the Inspire Team and manages the often difficult task of financing several ongoing projects with great efficiency, fairness and above all, an admirable sense of humour – so necessary many times each day in our office behind the scenes! As projects become increasingly more complex, so do the way venues, airlines and other providers work.  Louise takes all this in her stride and has got to grips with the different financial platforms employed by our pharma accounts teams.

Louise lives with her two grown-up children and is an active member in her community, working voluntarily as a Parish Councillor and getting involved in local fundraisers. She has also turned her hand more recently to short mat bowls where she represents her village competitively.